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How do we get in contact with you?

Either visit drunkenwerewolf.bigcartel.com/contact or email us on [email protected]

What forms of payment do you accept?

We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or regular account payments all through PayPal.

How secure is this store?

This store uses PayPal for payments, and PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to ours using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available).

Do I need a PayPal account to purchase from this store?

No, you are not required to have a PayPal account to purchase from this store. Although if you already have a PayPal account you may use it.

Where do you stock the magazine?

We regularly stock our issues for free across Bristol and surrounding boroughs.

If I get a copy of your physical magazine through BigCartel, what am I paying for?

You're paying for the postage, production and envelope to get the best music magazine around straight to your door, oh ho ho.

Do I have to pay for the magazine if I can get to a place where it's stocked?

No. All issues are stocked and distributed for free. The price covers costs of posting alone.

I live in another country. Can I still buy your magazine?

Unfortunately this is not currently an option.

Can I download these issues as a PDF?

Yes. Please visit our site – www.drunkenwerewolf.com – for more information.

Why not make DrunkenWerewolf download only?

We like to be in print. We think it's better. We've only made DrunkenWerewolf downloadable because so many internet-centric people complained. Some of the plus points of having DrunkenWerewolf in print: when your computer crashes you won't lose it, you'll probably find it in the attic ten years from now and go "hey, look what I've found! I used to have a really good taste in music", you'll get the information around two months sooner, you'll actually read it, you won't get square eyes, you can have something on your computer screen at the same time as reading, your computer won't crash because it hates PDF, when you're done you can rip the pages up and use them as wallpaper, or you could pass it on to someone else.

Are you professionally printed?

Yes we are! Colour glossy, gatefold A4, the whole shebang.